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Carnage&GloryII Windows Version |
Convention Schedule |
Upcoming convention event schedule:
Borodino 2022 Penn-Harris Hotel, 1150 Camp Hill Bypass, Camp Hill, PA 17011 September 8, 9 and 10, 2022
Our battle resulted in a minor Russian victory, due to the miracle of Utitsa, the stubborn resistance on the Fleches and the grave losses sustained by the French in their assaults against the Schulman redoubt. This minor victory converted to a major Russian victory the following day. The French briefly took the northern fleche (18e Ligne), overran Utitsa, but were unable to secure any other positions. Russians in the Utitsa sector were driven back and they were about to collapse, when Borozdin's Cuirassier division arrived and overthrew Nansouty's two Cuirassier divisions. This quickly became known as the miracle of Utitsa.
We played 20 game turns over five gaming sessions or sixteen to seventeen hours of epic gaming. A memorable event for all involved.
French losses were 21,824 men of all arms, including 48 cannon, seven colors and ten generals. Russian losses were 15,655 men of all arms, including 14 cannon (recovered), eight colors and twelve generals.
The Schulman redoubt (left), Fleches (center) and Utitsa (right) Russian Topographical Map (left), Tabletop Maps (Center) and Turn One Positions (Right)
In commemoration of the epic clash between the armies of the Emperor Napoleon and Czar Alexander of September 7, 1812, we will be re-fighting the battle at the Penn-Harris Hotel in Harrisburg, PA, the weekend of September 8 through 10. The game will be played out over four gaming sessions, two on Friday and two on Saturday. The terrain will be replicated at a 1"=25 pace ground scale over three purpose built custom wargaming table, featuring the areas around the Redoubt, the Fleches and Utitsa. The 28mm figures, at a figure scale of 1:30, will come from the collections of myself, David Bonk, John Snead, Bob McCaskill and Lyle Bickley. Each table will commence with the troops available and in position as they were at the respective timelines of the actual battle. The many available reserve formations will be committed at the direction of the respective armies councils of war prior to the game. Certain formations will be available for commitment during the game to help swing army morale levels. Awards will be provided to the six players receiving Honors on each of the three tables for both the victorious and defeated sides, and additional awards will be given to the two players that the system recognizes as the most Honored commanders following the consolidation of the results from the three tables into one. Accommodation will be at the Penn-Harris Hotel with free on-site parking. Players will be expected to either arrive Thursday evening, or no later than 9 am Friday morning to participate in turn one on each table. The three primary GM's will be myself (Fleches) alongside veteran GM's, John Snead (Redoubt) (assisted by Lyle Bickley) and David Bonk (Utitsa). French and Allied players include, Lyle Bickley, [Tom Garnett, Guy Gormley, Steve Raynor, Gregory Starace], [Dr. Bob McCaskill, Joe Feehan, Rich Mentch, Dave Mattson, John Stapleton, Bruce Taylor], [Chris Maine, Tony Busofsky and Scott Rein]. Russian players include, Frank Luberti, Jr., [Tim Drummond, Doug Kline, Lance King, JR Roach, Ian Starker], [Joe Dupre, AJ Johnson, Andy Turlington, Mike Pierce, Mike Pfanenstiel], [Stephen Umbrell and Peter Lowitt]. Fleches (left) Schulman Redoubt (center) and Utitsa (right)
For further details contact myself via email
Recent convention event schedule:
CarnageCon 2022 Gettysburg Hotel, 1 Lincoln Square, Gettysburg, PA Hosted exclusively for C&GII players over the weekend of March 24, 25 and 26, this mini-convention featured two games Thursday evening with GM's Guy Gormley and Stephen Umbrell, six gaming sessions on Friday and seven on Saturday with GM's David Bonk, Joe Dupre, Lyle Bickley and myself. This was an exceptionally fun event featuring Napoleonic and American Civil War games, with attendees coming from as far away as Puerto Rico, and where many members of public were introduced to the hobby, in particular staff of the Eisenhower Institute who are interested in our hosting events at their campus, and including the barista from the Hotel Starbucks, who had never played historical miniatures previously, but who ended up playing in at least four games. Many thanks to Joe for coordinating and organizing such a successful convention.
Fall-In 2019 King of Prussia, PA This year the team will host nineteen events total, eight on Friday and eleven on Saturday. The team of GM's include: Peter Lowitt, Tom Garnett, Richard Mentch, Lyle Bickley, Dave Mattson, David Bonk, John Snead, Stephen Umbrell and myself. Periods covered include: War or 1812 (1), AWI (1), NAP (9), ACW (5) and Pike and Shot (3) All the events are scheduled to run somewhere in the bowels of the hotel/casino..... sorry, can't be more specific. We'll see you there.
Friday (8 Events) War of 1812: 1 Napoleonic: 4 ACW: 2 Pike and Shot: 1
9:00 AM F: 309: 09 - Soiree on the Saranc 1814 Friday, 9:00 AM, 4 hrs Players: 8 Peter Lowitt Period: War of 1812, Scale: 25mm F: 320: 09 - Napoleonic Battle Russian Attempts to Delay the French Forces (Part 1) Friday, 9:00 AM, 4 hrs Players: 6 Lyle Bickley Period: Napoleonic, Scale: 28mm
10:00 AM F: 375: 10 - Mansfield, April 8, 1864 Friday, 10:00 AM, 4 hrs Players: 6 Nigel P. Marsh Period: American Civil War, Scale: 28mm F: 451: 10 - 1809 Campaign in Italy, Battle of Volano Friday, 10:00 AM, 5 hrs Players: 6 Tom Garnett, Sash & Saber Period: Napoleonic, Scale: 40mm
2:00 PM F: 321: 14 - Napoleonic Battle: Russians Attack (Part 2) Friday, 2:00 PM, 4 hrs Players: 6 Lyle Bickley Period: Napoleonic, Scale: 28mm
4:00 PM F: 376: 16 - Mansfield, April 8, 1864 Friday, 4:00 PM, 4 hrs Players: 6 Nigel P. Marsh Period: American Civil War, Scale: 28mm
7:00 PM F: 314: 19 - Battle of Sambir, October 1655 Friday, 7:00 PM, 4 hrs Players: 6 David Bonk Period: Pike & Shot, Scale: 28mm F: 452: 19 - 1809 Campaign in Italy, Battle of Volano Friday, 7:00 PM, 5 hrs Players: 6 Tom Garnett, Sash & Saber Period: Napoleonic, Scale: 40mm
Saturday (11 Events) Pike and Shot: 2 AWI: 1 ACW: 3 Napoleonic: 5
10:00 AM S: 313: 10 - Battle of Sambir, October 1675 Saturday, 10:00 AM, 4 hrs Players: 6 David Bonk Period: Pike & Shot, Scale: 28mm S: 370: 10 - Iron Hill, Maryland, 1777 Saturday, 10:00 AM, 4 hrs Players: 6 Richard Mentch Period: American War for Independence, Scale: 28mm S: 377: 10 - Sabine Crossroads, April 8, 1864 Saturday, 10:00 AM, 4 hrs Players: 6 Nigel P. Marsh Period: American Civil War, Scale: 28mm S: 395: 10 - 1809 Italian Campaign-Castelcerino Saturday, 10:00 AM, 4 hrs Players: 6 Thomas Garnett, Sash and Saber Period: Napoleonic, Scale: 40mm S: 449: 10 - Dennewitz - Early on 6 September 1813 Saturday, 10:00 AM, 5 hrs Players: 8 John Snead Period: Napoleonic, Scale: 25mm
4:00 PM S: 378: 16 - Sabine Crossroads, April 8, 1864 Saturday, 4:00 PM, 4 hrs Players: 6 Nigel P. Marsh Period: American Civil War, Scale: 28mm
5:00 PM S: 339: 17 - Left Wing of the Grande Armee - Clash at Golovichitsa 1812 Saturday, 5:00 PM, 5 hrs Players: 8 Stephen Umbrell Period: Napoleonic, Scale: 15mm S: 450: 17 - Dennewitz - Early on 6 September 1813 Saturday, 5:00 PM, 5 hrs Players: 8 John Snead Period: Napoleonic, Scale: 25mm
6:00 PM S: 312: 18 - Battle of Sambir, October 1705 Saturday, 6:00 PM, 4 hrs Players: 6 David Bonk Period: Pike & Shot, Scale: 28mm S: 323: 18 - The Battle of Prairie Grove Saturday, 6:00 PM, 4 hrs Players: 6 David Mattson Period: American Civil War, Scale: 28mm S: 396: 18 - 1809 Italian Campaign-Castelcerino Saturday, 6:00 PM, 4 hrs Players: 6 Thomas Garnett, Sash and Saber Period: Napoleonic, Scale: 40mm
Historicon 2018 Lancaster Host, PA Great Northern War Campaign, Historicon 2018 Introduction As part of the Carnage&Glory Club Room at Historicon, 2018 we’ll be running a real time Great Northern War campaign using the beta version of the Carnage&GloryII On Campaign System. The campaign will pit Swedish forces against Russian and Saxon forces in 1706 Poland. The campaign will be used to generate up to five tactical battles that will be played out over the course of the weekend at the convention in 28mm. The Swedish and Russo-Saxon commanders in chief have begun the campaign, issuing orders for initial movement, leading up to the first major battle which will be played on Thursday at Historicon using the Carnage&GloryII Marlburian tactical system. The tactical system will assess killed and wounded, as well as changes in unit morale and experience. Once the battle is finished the units will be returned to the campaign system reflecting their new strength, morale and experience, the CiC’s will issue new orders and the campaign will continue until the next battle. The CG campaign system will assess attrition and fatigue as units march across Poland and resolve any minor combats not large enough to play out on the table. Players at Historicon are invited to sign up to participate in one of the tactical battles and information about the campaign, including wall maps showing the movement of both sides which will be available throughout the weekend in the Marietta Room to keep players up to date on the progress of the campaign. We’ll also post updates, on this website, leading up to Historicon. See Map One below: Strategic Overview September, 1706. A combined force of Russian and Saxon troops are besieging rebel Polish forces at Warsaw. The Poles have stopped the Russians on the west bank of the Vistula River and the Russians have ordered their siege train to move south from the Baltic provinces to support their forces outside Warsaw. The Swedish forces have learned of the march of the siege train and dispatched a large force to intercept the Russians and either destroy the train or force it to turn back. Map One covers the larger area of eastern Poland, while Map Two shows the theater of the campaign, which encompasses the southwest quadrant of the larger map. The map shows the locations of principle towns, the road network and river system. All rivers, including the Vistula River (major) and all other rivers (minor) are crossed by bridges wherever a road intersects the river. At principle towns the bridges are constructed of stone and cannot be destroyed. All other crossings involve wooden bridges that can be destroyed and rebuilt as necessary. It requires 4 hours of engineering to destroy a wooden bridge and 8 hours of engineering to repair/reconstruct a bridge. All supply trains and artillery batteries, other than Swedish battalion guns, must cross all rivers on a functioning bridge. Infantry, battalion guns and cavalry can cross minor rivers at any point but all forces must cross the Vistula River at either hex 227162 or at Mazowiecki (232162). The campaign begins with Swedish forces concentrated at around the villages of Drobin (225167) and Raciaz (227167). The Russians have bases at Plonsk (229165) and at Ciechanow (231169) See Map Two below: